
Candidate for At-Large Platform Committee

Tony Wallace

Central Lakes College


I was born and bred into working hard and taking care of your responsibilities helping people out it's something that's in my nature and also adore God's work something I love to do.

What degree or certificate program are you seeking?

Automotive technology

Please describe your previous student government or professional experience, and how it has prepared you for this position.

I've done quite a bit volunteer work for leadmn and and also this year I am the PC alternate. I've testified at the Capitol for the affordability Bill also which was very exciting to do and I'll look forward to doing it again.I am on Student Senate and also I am in charge of the food donation recovery which twice or sometimes four times a week before school I go to Costco's or Target and pick up the donations and bring them back to the school.

Why are you running for this position?

Because I know that I have a voice that draws attention to others and I know how to listen when spoken to and take other people's ideals or problems to the right people so they can get answers.

What challenges do you see facing Minnesota's community and technical college students?

Housing affordability, child care and food at the school for the ones that really need it so they can go to school but yet some of the day cares around the Crow Wing county area are way too expensive and also not enough openings for parents.