

David Harvey

Anoka Technical College


As a non-traditional student I have a unique perspective of the college experience. Having earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management in 2014, I bring education and experience to the LeadMN organization. I am a natural leader with a passion for setting and accomplishing goals. I also get a sense of purpose when helping and being of service to others. I have excellent attention to detail and get satisfaction in a job well done.

What degree or certificate program are you seeking?

Quality Technician

Please describe your previous student government or professional experience, and how it has prepared you for this position.

I recently took part in LeadMN Student Advocacy Day and DC Student Summit. Previously, I have represented Minnesota School of Business at Career College Hill Day and was also a national finalist in Collegiate DECA. Currently, I serve as acting Student Senate President for Anoka Technical College. These experiences have given me the skills and confidence to effectively represent Anoka Tech., and all Community and Technical College students as an elected member of LeadMN.

Why are you running for this position?

Participating in the recent LeadMN events revealed to me an important and essential mission. As a technical college student, I find myself in a position to have a positive influence on issues that directly relate to students’ interests. My desire to work towards an ever-improving education system motivates me to offer time and effort in the pursuit of increased opportunities for future community and technical college students.

What challenges do you see facing Minnesota's community and technical college students?

Minnesota’s community and technical college students face the challenge of navigating a system that experienced many setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Coming together to bring the community and technical college system back to the level it was, will require a group effort. The focus and commitment required of current students to be successful in their studies, with the distraction of reorganizing after a pandemic, will take a lot of skill and determination.