John Kenneth Niemi Memorial Tool Fund

As a recipient of a technical college education and the training that enabled his career as a millwright and later as a refrigeration mechanic, John Kenneth Niemi understood the value of technical education. Mr. Niemi understood that education was a gift to be valued and would want to ensure other young people had the opportunity he had to gain the education necessary to build a solid career. Because of this belief, Mr. Niemi’s family established a memorial fund within LeadMN. This endowed fund provides funds for tool purchases required for completing an HVAC or a ‘hands-on’ trade course of study for students enrolled in a trade program and attending one of Minnesota State’s colleges.

This scholarship awards $500 each semester. Applications for fall semester open January 1st and close April 1st at 11:59pm. Applications for spring semester open July 1st and close November 1st at 11:59pm. 

Scholarship Qualifications 

  • Be an Undergraduate or PSEO student enrolled in one of Minnesota State’s technical or consolidated colleges.
  • Priority will be given to a student enrolled in HVAC, a ‘hands-on’ trade or construction course of study that requires the purchase of tools to complete the program.
  • Have a grade point average (G.P.A.) of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.

Scholarship Requirements

  • Complete and submit the online application by April 1st at 11:59 PM for fall semester or by November 1st at 11:59 PM for spring semester.  (The application will require you to indicate the trade program you are studying)
  • Submit a letter of application/personal letter and include the following:
    • Academic goals
    • Career goals
    • Personal goals
  • Submit a separate statement of need (describe why you need this scholarship)
  • Submit one letter of recommendation from college staff
  • Submit a copy of your school’s unofficial transcript
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