Irja Sundgren Pratt Memorial Scholarship
As valedictorian of Gilbert High School and a graduate of Eveleth Community College (now Minnesota North College-Mesabi Campus), Irja Sundgren Pratt had a sincere commitment to higher education. Irja understood that education was a gift to be valued and wanted to ensure other young people from the Iron Range had the opportunity to pursue post-secondary education. Because of this belief, she established a fund through her estate to provide scholarships for students at one of the six campuses at Minnesota North College on the Iron Range. This memorial fund provides scholarship opportunities for students who are attending one of Minnesota North College’s six campuses…Hibbing, Itasca, Mesabi-Eveleth, Mesabi-Virginia, Rainy River, and Vermilion.
This $500 scholarship will be awarded annually for spring semester only to a student who is enrolled at any of the six campuses within Minnesota North College. Applications open July 1st and close November 1st at 11:59pm.
Scholarship Qualifications
- Have a grade point average (G.P.A.) of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
- Will have completed at least one semester of course-work at the college before being eligible for the award.
Scholarship Requirements
- Complete and submit the online application by November 1 at 11:59 PM.
- Submit a letter of application/personal letter. In this letter describe your:
- Academic goals
- Career goals
- Personal goals
- Submit a separate statement of need (describe why you need this scholarship)
- Submit one letter of recommendation from college staff
- Submit a copy of your school unofficial transcript